Celebrating 715 years of committed service!

Our teachers and support staff are the backbone of our vibrant and inclusive Dulwich Pudong community and work tirelessly to make sure our students receive a world-class education.

On Monday, we gathered to celebrate long-service among our staff, with special pins presented to those who have been with us for 5, 10, 15 and 20 years (our founding members).


That's 72 dedicated, amazing people with an incredible 715 years' of service combined! 

We work hard to create a working environment and culture that reflects our values - by valuing every voice, doing the right thing, and making a difference.

By doing so, we empower, connect and support everyone who works here to nurture the next generation of outstanding global citizens. 

Congratulations to our long-servers and thank you to you all of #TeamDulwich!