Wellbeing Programme
The research is clear: wellbeing is critical to academic - and life - success. Only with a solid foundation of wellbeing can students achieve all that they are capable of.
At Dulwich Pudong, student wellbeing, health and safety, happiness and social emotional care come first. Every member of our community is dedicated to supporting this from curriculum to the campus environment to opportunities for student agency to our policies and procedures to our partnership with our parents.

Our Safeguarding Policy underpins our approach to wellbeing. Please read more about it here.

Our academic teams have embedded healthy living into our fully articulated curriculum. We start with the self-care framework in Early Years and move into Junior and Senior school with age-appropriate topics that cover diet, relationships, body and mind, sexuality education, mental health, digital intelligence, and growth mindset. This gives students the vocabulary, self-awareness and tools to take ownership of their own wellbeing and that of others.
Student Leadership
Students are empowered to play active roles in their own wellbeing. Students have formal opportunities through the Prefect and Ambassador programmes, and we also gather feedback and input from students that not only impact the school environment, but also the wellbeing curriculum as well as the contents of parent workshops. Students are empowered not only to propose wellbeing initiatives but to lead them and drive them to make a real impact on the community.

Parent Partnership
The College works closely with our parents to ensure wellbeing is considered both in and out of school. Parent workshops are offered throughout the year and inform parents of academics, curriculum and how to support student learning. But equally important are workshops on parenting topics developed based on community feedback.

Food and Fitness
Diet and physical literacy are important elements that support wellbeing and healthy living. We have Student, Staff and Parent Food Committees which work closely with our caterers to ensure meals are nutritionally balanced and healthy. Our physical literacy curriculum and extra-curricular sports programmes offer something for all ages and levels to stay active and get involved, including opportunities to compete at the highest levels in Shanghai and beyond. Sports play a key role in our holistic curriculum and is something we offer all our students.

Digital Wellbeing
Digital Wellbeing has been a big focus in recent years. Through our partnership with the National Online Safety Organisation we make sure our community has the skills they need to develop healthy and safe relationships with technology. Our Digital Safety Leader (DSL) student programme (pictured below) aims supports that by providing student volunteers with the training and skills necessary to deliver eSafety knowledge to their peers.

Our College Values
Our approach to wellbeing flows from our College Values which are encapsulated in three statement: (1) Value every voice (2) Do the right thing and (3) Make a difference. Decision making at all levels is guided by these values that put community at the heart of everything we do. Processes are in place to ensure that concerns or issues can be identified and raised anywhere. Please see more about our College Values here.
Measuring Our Progress
We take wellbeing seriously, and our staff and students’ feedback annually to us. We measure enjoyment of learning, feeling safe and well-cared for as well as strength of community amongst other factors, and are proud of our consistently high ratings year on year.
Award-winning Wellbeing Programme
We are extremely proud to be named as one of the World's Best Schools 2022 for supporting Healthy Living. It is a great honour that the great efforts of our staff across the College - academic and support stff - have been recognised in such a public, global forum.