Student Leadership
Student leadership is something we value highly at the College from DUCKS to Junior School to Senior School. It is an essential part of the holistic education we offer at Dulwich Pudong. It provides students with valuable opportunities to develop the interpersonal skills which are so critical for success in the 21st century as well as learn planning, teamwork and responsibility.
Leadership takes place in many ways across the College, both formally and informally.
Formal leadership opportunities are offered through our Prefect programme in Senior School as well as through the Ambassador programme across the College and Sport captaincy.
There are four Prefect portfolios in Senior School - House, Wellbeing, Global Citizenship, and Student Voice. Each portfolio is led by a Head Prefect and is supported by a team of other Prefects. Together they work as a team to carry out projects which reflect student voice and directly benefit students.

Becoming a Head Prefect is an intensive process involving an application essay, interviews with College Senior Leaders, and a speech as part of the annual Hustings in which the student explains their vision for the portfolio. Successfully being named a Head Prefect is a tremendous honour and responsibility and the expectations are high. Our team of Head Prefects also make annual reports to the College Leadership Team.
A few of the projects conceived and led by our Senior School Prefects include:
- The Global Citizenship Journal
- S.L.A.M Sports Day
- Transitions Booklets
- Wellbeing Workshops
For students in Junior School and Senior School with interests in specific areas like technology, art, food and nutrition or House, there are ambassadorships. These positions give students and opportunity to take leadership roles and carry out projects whilst developing their personal interests and learning valuable 21st century skills.

Sport and Music
Students also have opportunities to assume leadership roles within our competitive sports programmes where they learn accountability and responsibility. Within our Music programme our talented musicians have the opportunity and confidence to conduct each other on the biggest stage in the College.
Our Co-curricular Programme allows students the opportunity to propose and lead their own activities. This is a great way to share their enthusiasm and expertise with their peers whilst continuing to refresh our extracurricular offerings. Many CCAs in Senior School are student-led and student-run.

There are also numerous informal leadership opportunities at College which play important roles in how our College evolves. In past years students have proposed and implemented ideas which have now become part of the fabric of our College. Examples of annual events include:
- Senior School MUN conference
- Dulwich Talks
- HakD
We also have numerous examples of the impact of student leadership through changes to our school uniform, wellbeing curriculum, and our facilities. At Dulwich students come first and that means giving them the opportunity and the confidence to impact the College and shape its direction.