Meet Class of 2024 Graduate Dorcas Y


What do you intend to study at HongKong University and why?

I intend to study Medicine at Hong Kong University because I find that the medical schools in Hong Kong are recognised for their high standards and quality. To ensure the quality of education, there are only two universities in Hong Kong that offer medicine. Also, the University of Hong Kong is known for its diverse community which will really enrich me. Therefore, I believe it’s the right decision for me to study medicine at Hong Kong university.


What inspired you to pursue that course of study?

I’ve always enjoyed Biology lessons since my IGCSE years, which led me to have the idea of wanting to pursue forensic sciences. However, later in IB as I took Psychology as well, my aspirations shifted towards medicine as I realised that humans are so much more than their physiology but that their psychological needs are equally as important. I wanted to do medicine because being able to positively impact people at their lowest or most vulnerable points in life while they are alive was much more meaningful to me. I started to become really interested in the psychology of death. The more I joined medical programs and volunteering experiences in the hospital, the more I saw my interests and became confident that I wanted to pursue medicine as I observed the amazing creation of life.


How did you decide which universities to apply to? 

I really wanted to go straight into medicine after graduating from high school and therefore I chose to apply to medical schools in UK and Hong Kong which offer medicine at an undergraduate level. Also I find that the medical systems in these two places are suitable for me. Of course universities that are higher ranked can reflect the quality of their education, but the culture within the university was also a major factor of consideration for me. I feel that the most reputable universities are most likely those with the most competitive learning environments, which is not necessarily the most suited for me.


Why was HongKong University your best fit?

Having moved countries 6 times in my life, I can say that my experience of being a patient under various medical systems are pretty fruitful, and out of all the places I’ve lived in, I feel that Hong Kong is where I belong the most. Although many careers do not require people to work in the culture they come from, I find that it may be a little different for certain careers like a lawyer, psychologist or doctor. Particularly for doctors, sharing the same culture with patients whether in terms of lifestyle habits or language, is really helpful and crucial to understanding patients well and building a good rapport with them as communication is easier, allowing a higher quality of care for patients.


How did your university counselors help you prepare for the application process?

Mr. Macdonald gave me a lot of freedom during the application process. He allowed me to do my own research independently for each of the universities I applied to, and from this I was able to learn a lot myself and understand the application processes of both UK and Hong Kong thoroughly. It was really good training not just within these two years but also to gain independence in preparation for me later in life.


Dulwich Pudong teachers are well known for going above and beyond to support students. Any particular teachers you want to single out for their help and support along the way?

I want to thank Mr. Hey for his unwavering support not only in the academic sense as my Biology teacher, but also in pastoral care. Additionally, I want to thank him for the weekly MMI sessions which he held to help all aspiring medics for our medical school interviews, which was one of my biggest worries in the application process. Upon his guidance, I have grown a lot with my communication skills and became more confident in my delivery, not just for these interviews, but also for my career later in life.

Additionally, I want to thank Ms. Thornton as my psychology teacher who has sparked my interests in the subject and pushed me to challenge myself beyond what has been taught in lessons. Not only this, she has also taught me really useful lessons such as revision strategies and changed the way I think about learning, which I applied for my finals and will continue using them in my university studies.

Other than these two teachers, I really want to thank Mr. Ropars, Mr. Man, Mr. Shine, Mr. Knowles, Mr. Frost, Mr. Carden and Ms. Dorans for their patience and mentoring. I would not be who I am today without any of you - I will always be grateful for all of you. 


What were some of your most memorable performance experiences during your time here?

The most vivid experience definitely has to be the Anand Debate of Dulwich Talks. I had never debated before, let alone on stage in front of the entire Senior School. But this was a truly rewarding experience. I got to work collaboratively and creatively with a few friends while having the opportunity to deliver something comedic and entertain the audience (sorry about that Mr. Man). It was certainly a huge leap out of my comfort zone which yielded great results!


How has Dulwich supported your passion on Biology?

In addition to Mr. Hey’s MMI sessions, I was also given the opportunity to attend the another interview training program from EIM. In particular I would like to thank Mr. Lacheze-Beer for also supporting me with interview and communication skills.


What other extracurricular activities were you involved in?

During my IB years, I had the opportunity to lead Trash Dash, which allowed me to combine running, which I was really passionate about and environmental consciousness for the trash that was littered around the local Jinqiao community around the school. The weekly Trash Dash sessions became a place where a group of Year 13 students and I would become closer while making the community around us a greener one as we picked up the trash we saw.

In addition to Trash Dash I was involved Netball. Playing this team sports taught me about team spirit and the crucial and unique role played by each member within the team.

Also, I was involved in DCS Orchestra since I first came to Dulwich in Year 9 where I played the flute, which really taught me to be in harmony not only musically but also in terms of communicating with one another. Additionally, playing the flute allowed me to join Band Whizzes where I would teach junior school students how to play the flute. It was really rewarding to be able to share knowledge and my love for music with younger children and see them learn and grow.


Our college vision is “Live Worldwise”. What does Live Worldwise mean to you?

I feel that the learning environment in Dulwich has equipped me to become more internationally minded. To Live Worldwise to me means to carry this mindset out of this place to whatever part of the world I am heading to, and implement it to every decision I make. In every action I take, I would need to think globally of the impact that it has, not just within the immediate community I see in front of me, but the wider community of the world. I believe that the choices that one makes have a domino effect on others around them and so they must be aware of the larger effects and consequences that are caused by their decisions. On the other hand, I believe to “forget what is behind and straining towards what is ahead” is another prerequisite for me to Living Worldwise. Whether it is performing a task or learning, adopt a humble and optimistic attitude regardless of circumstances. That way, one will acquire more in any life experience.


What are you going to miss the most about Dulwich?

I will miss most the welcoming and supportive environment we have here in Dulwich. Over the 5 years that I have been at Dulwich I have grown to feel that we are all a big family and I feel that it is truly precious to be part of it, where my teachers and friends will always be here to support me when I need them.
