The Global Citizenship Journal Makes a Big Impact

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Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong
Global Citizenship Group Photo


During the COVID period of online learning in 2020, our Global Citizenship student prefect team faced a problem: how to connect with their peers and raise awareness about the importance of Global Citizenship whilst not being physically together on campus?

The Global Citizenship (GC) Journal is the solution they came up with. Forty-six issues later, not only is it still going strong, but it has made an impact in the wider Dulwich community.


What is the GC Journal?

The GC Journal is a weekly, one-page publication planned and created by our Global Citizenship Prefect Team. Each issue takes on a topic that falls within one of the five strands of Global Citizenship - Sustainability, Diversity, Social Justice, Intercultural Understanding, and Service.



The GC Journal not only raises awareness around a particular issue but also offers practical suggestions for how people can do something to make a difference. Recent topics include equal pay, the Afghanistan crisis, and climate change. The most recent issue - #46 - takes on poverty eradication.

Year 13 student and current GC Prefect Annabelle L. explains, "The GC Journal was created to convey important information about global issues to Senior School students. We felt this would help everyone not lose sight of global issues despite their own personal hardships faced during COVID."


The Journal has been well received by our Senior School students. "The reception from other students has been super positive," Annabelle shares. "I feel like the journal is especially impactful among older students because you can see when the content sparks an interest in them; they have more freedom to go out and take action on the issue."


Community Impact

Recently the GC Journal caught the attention of Mr. d'Arcy Lunn, the Group Head of Sustainability & Global Citizenship at Dulwich College International. He was so impressed that he set up an inter-College Microsoft Teams site to share each issue of the GC Journal across the group, touching students and staff across our family of schools and inspiring others to think, reflect, and commit themselves to change.


Says Mr. Lunn, "The student-led GC Journal has been so informative to me personally as the Group Head of Sustainability and Global Citizenship in the vast range of GC topics covered. It is also an important pulse to showcase what the students at Dulwich Pudong care about in current issues. The GC Journal is a wonderful advocacy tool for me to share these weekly doses of information and inspiration with the entire family of schools!"


Our Learning Principles

The GC Journal is also a great example of our Learning Principles in action, especially how learning is adapted and applied.


Explains Mr. Anthony Reich, Director of Global Citizenship at Dulwich Pudong. "Our Global Citizenship Prefects take global issues that they feel will enrich our community’s understanding of what is going on in the world before researching and adapting the topic to suit a Senior School audience."


Making a Difference

The GC Prefect Team has received many encouraging emails from students and staff over the last year and a half expressing their support for the Journal. 

"There’s no easy way to measure the GC Journal’s success," Annabelle says, "but I believe that if we’ve been able to convince at least one or two people every week to get interested in solving a global issue or teaching them more, then that’s a success in itself."

We celebrate their persistence in finding solutions so they can keep doing work that's important to them and the wider community. It's indicative of the resilience our Dulwich Pudong students display every day.