DUCKS Uniform

Key milestones

  • Download the Uniform Infographic PDF below to know what you need to buy
  • Create an account on the online store (click here)
  • Find the right size and place your order
  • Receive your purchases directly at your home
  • Label your child's uniform items according to the guidance below

Key dates (not applicable to Term 2 and Term 3 New Students)

  • June 19 - 30 - You may make an appointment to try on uniform and purchase uniform from the online shop. Click HERE to make your appointment.
  • July 1 - July 31 - The online shop is closed for inventory management purposes
  • Monday 14 August - Friday 18 August - You may make an appointment to try on uniform on the College campus as part of Get Ready for School. You will be able to make an appointment starting August 1. Click HERE to make your appointment.
  • Wednesday August 23 - Please make sure you submit your online order by this date to make sure you get your uniform delivered prior to Orientation Day on August 29.

Here's what you need to buy

All students, including those in Toddler classes, wear a uniform which is available for purchase from our Online Uniform shop. Summer Uniform will be required from April-November. Winter Uniform will be required from November-April.

Note: When you order uniform items for your child, please be aware that DUCKS students in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 will also need to order the House shirt. Your child's House has been shared with you by email from the Admissions office.


House House Color


Online School Uniform Shop

Please click here to create an account first. To access your child/ren's uniform order page use the following details. 

• School Code: SH20DC

• Your unique student ID: (Provided by Admission Office or you can find it on your invoice of tuition fee; the ID starts with DCSPD+six numbers)

• Student family name:

Label Your Child's Uniform

All uniform items need to be clearly labelled with the child’s full name and class.


Contact Our Uniform Services

For further details, you can check the online uniform shop user manual.

If you have any questions regarding purchasing uniforms, please do not hesitate to reach out to our Uniform Shop: [email protected] or add us on WeChat:
