Friends of Dulwich

Introducing Friends of Dulwich

When you join Dulwich College Shanghai Pudong, you automatically become a member of Friends of Dulwich, also known as FOD. 

FOD is the school parent association made up of active parent volunteers. They do a fantastic job of supporting, connecting, and enriching the community through a variety of parents events and activities. These include but not limited to luncheons, newcomers welcome events, coffee mornings, interest groups, service and charity work.

You will have a chance to meet FOD representatives in person at the Welcome Coffee Morning on September 1. You will also be invited to join the Newcomer Wechat group for your child's school in late August. The Newcomer Wechat group is a good way to get to know other new parents and find out more about FOD activities.

If you have any questions or require assistance with your transition, please do not hesitate to contact the Friends of Dulwich Leadership Team at [email protected].

The Friends of Dulwich and the entire Dulwich Pudong community are looking forward to meeting you and welcoming you and your family into our community.

Warmest regards,

DCSPD Admissions and the FoD Leadership Team (FLT)