Parent and family lanyards

Key Milestones & Timeline

  1. Click here to apply for your family lanyards or scan the QR code below
  2. You can collect your lanyards on the Orientation Day.

How to Order Lanyards?


Click here or scan the QR code below to apply for your family lanyards (including other guardians such as grandparent, ayi, driver etc).


Who Can Get a Lanyard?

  • Aside from direct family members such as mothers, fathers and siblings, lanyards can also be made available to any person (ayi, driver, grandparents or other relatives) whom you completely trust to come onto College grounds to collect your child(ren).
  • For safeguarding reasons, you will always need to wear your lanyard when on campus or when attending off-campus College events.
  • We will provide the first two badges free of charge with each subsequent badge costing 30RMB.

Get in Touch

If you have any questions, please contact DCSPD Security badge at [email protected].